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Embodying the Queen: The Queen of Pentacles

Hello my beautiful friends, and welcome to SPRING!! Not spring where you live? Please, let me bring spring straight to you from the Valley of The Sun! And here to help us welcome spring is the glorious QUEEN OF PENTACLES!

This Queen is usually depicted outside holding a large golden coin (pentacle), sitting on a carved wooden throne with a cute white bunny at her feet. Ok, I had to sub in my adorable Maltipoo and I guess the chair is not quite a throne (it is carved and also an antique!!), but I think you get the idea. Besides, this is about you and me doing our best to express Her Majesty’s characteristics with what we have right now.

So, what are the characteristics of the Queen of Pentacles? This is the OG Earth Mama, my wonderful friends. She loves children, pets and plants - and there are always lots of them around her. This is the person you actually want to have around when you are sick; she’s certainly not going to drop you at Urgent Care with a wave and “ hope you feel better soon.” Nope. She’ll bustle into your kitchen and make delicious, nutritious chicken soup, draw an epsom salt bath for your achy muscles, then tuck you into a weighted blanket on the couch with a feel-good movie on Netflix. Do you have a freshly broken heart? Her earnest, kindly advice - along with homemade chocolate chip cookies straight from the oven - will send you on your way with lots of bandaids on that hurt and a feeling that everything’s gonna be ok real soon.

However, don’t let all that warm fuzzy fool you; she’s resourceful, practical and financially savvy. She’s holding a giant gold coin! Of course she’s good with money!! She can certainly make a little go a long way, but more than likely she probably has several hefty offshore accounts no one knows about. Regardless, this Queen has plenty to go around and she is very generous with her riches. She does this by using whatever is at hand to provide what is needed. Remember the beginning of the pandemic, when masks were just not available unless you were a medical professional? Channeling the Queen of Pentacles, I hand sewed some out of dish towels for my family. They worked great, too!

Sometimes, as they say, discretion is the better part of valor. Do you have some scandalous secrets weighing you down? You can unburden yourself to this Queen. She will never slip up and spill the beans to the wrong person (or anyone other than you, oh secret-stuffer). Trustworthy to the core, others trust her completely, which is a beautiful thing in the age of tell-all social media.

Lastly, the Queen of Pentacles is generous with all she has. She lives simply, not getting overly involved with all the drama and distractions of contemporary life. Yes, she knows what Tiktok is. No, she doesn’t want to spend an hour scrolling…she must plant that hydrangea before it wilts, bake flax seed muffins for her women’s group, and has some crypto currency investments to attend to!

This month, let's embody the Queen of Pentacles. Ask yourself: are you nurturing those around you? Can you be counted on in difficult times? Are you being sensible? Do others trust you? If not, let yourself be inspired by this Queen to do just that.

What else do you see in the pictures that reminds you of the Queen of Pentacles? Do you think I got it right? Why or why not? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, if you’d like to get up close with the Queen of Pentacles with a personalized reading, please email me at

Finally, in keeping with the spirit of The Queen of Pentacles and Her generosity, ALL of the proceeds from this month’s readings will go to Doctors Without Borders’ fund for humanitarian aid in Ukraine. Here’s the link for more information:

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Much love,


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