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Embodying the Queen: Queen of Wands

Hello, my friends! Guess what day is coming up in two weeks? You got it: Valentine’s Day!! And who better to usher in the Day of Romance than the Queen of FIRE!?

Here I am doing my best to embody this queen: The Queen of Wands. As you guessed, her element is fire. Like fire, she is passionate, powerful, radiant, sexy and vivacious. Everybody is drawn to her, and why not? She is warm and inviting and lovely to be around. Her enthusiasm is infectious; she’s always on the go and excited to bring you along. She’s the most popular girl in class, the captain of the team, president of the PTA, the life of the party; she glows in the spotlight. She’s gorgeous inside and out - body-confidence is her middle name. Of course she rocks whatever she wears!

If you worry that all this attention is an ego-inflater, never fear. The source of this Queen’s irresistible joy is that she’s incredibly ambitious but deeply noncompetitive. She’s always planning and doing, sure; but she wants to know all about your dreams and goals too - and if she can give you a leg up, she will. If things are getting you down, she’s your person. She can’t help but see silver linings everywhere. Spend time with her and she will turn your frown upside down in no time.

Her mindset is abundance, and there’s enough to go around, so why not enjoy all of it? She can keep up a fast-paced life because she’s gloriously healthy and in excellent shape. There’s an equal chance you may see this Queen rock climbing, surfing - or impressing everyone on the dance floor. She always has fun because she knows she can do whatever she sets her mind to.

When she shows up in a reading, ask yourself: are you channeling your sexy? Do you love how you look? Are you enthusiastic about your life? How’s your mindset - do you believe in yourself? Are you focused on the positive? Are your relationships warm and supportive? Do you need to let go of some competitiveness and lend a hand? This Queen is here to help!

What else do you see in the pictures that reminds you of the Queen of Wands? Do you think I got it right? Why or why not? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, if you’d like to get up close with the Queen of Wands with a personalized reading, please email me at

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Much love,


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1 Comment

Feb 01, 2022

Wow! You are a beautiful embodiment of the Queen of Wands, and your description was an inspiring read to start my day in a positive note. Please keep up the great work, the world needs your warmth. Love, Daniel.

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